

TouchPoint is our online church database. It is a tool that helps us with care and communication inside our church. It is our main platform for online giving, church-wide communication, and event registration.

Create a TouchPoint account and get connected today! 

Sign up

If you did not have an account on The City, or have not yet signed up for TouchPoint, click the sign-up button below to fill out the TouchPoint Sign-Up form. Check the “create account” box at the end of the form to create your profile, and then click “submit”. Once you have done so you can go to the log-in page and click “request password” to receive an email with a link to set up a password and log into your account. 

Log in

If you had an account on The City, or you already signed up for TouchPoint, then your information will already be in the database. You can go to the TouchPoint log-in page by clicking the button below. Once on the log-in page click “request password” at the bottom of the screen and you will be sent a link in your email to set up a password and log in.