grow together

Community Teams

Each week people in Shoreline Church meet in small communities to grow in Christ,
care for one another, and serve together

Our current teams are listed below


Please contact the team leader to join a team and learn more about their meeting and location 

Painesville TWP

New To Shoreline?

This community team would be good for you

Leader: Brian Walls

Location: Painesville TWP

When: 1st / 3rd Wednesdays

Time: 5:30 pm

Painesville TWP

Leader: Jack Lemr

Location: Painesville TWP

When: 1st / 3rd Wednesdays

Time: 7:00 pm


Leader: John Pinkham

Location: In Kirtland

When: 1st / 3rd Wednesdays

Time: 7:00pm


Leader: Tim Jarm

Location : Shoreline Church

When: 2nd / 4th Thursdays

Time: 6:30pm


Leader: Cory Sellers

Location: Shoreline Church

When: 2nd /4th Wednesdays

Time: 7:30pm


Leader: David Reeves

Location: Chardon

When: 2nd / 4th Sundays

Time: 6:00



Leader: Eddie Carrigg

Location: In Willowick

When: 1st /3rd Wednesdays

Time: 7:00pm

before you join

Community Team Expectations

The Community Teams’ purpose is to function as a healthy Christian community growing in Christ-likeness through Discipleship, Care, and Mission:

  • Discipleship: Studying God’s Word in order to become self-feeding in Christ.
  • Care: Praying for one another and the non-christian people around us in order to see people know and grow in Christ.
  • Mission: Reaching out in practical ways to be able to speak the Gospel to all people.

The following expectations are meant to clearly identify the commitment involved in joining this community. Please consider these expectations prayerfully before committing yourself to a team:

  • A desire to grow in your private life with the Lord
  • Recognition of Scripture as the supreme authority governing all our discussions/activities
  • Attending every team meeting unless prevented by illness, travel, or circumstances outside your control
  • A commitment to be on time
  • To be prepared each week by working through the study questions in advance of the team meeting
  • Sensitivity to the needs and feelings of other team members, respecting others whose opinions differ from mine
  • To keep confidential personal things shared within the community
  • To participate in the mission expression of the team
Who can join a Community Team?

Any person (preferably adults) desiring to grow in Christ and participate in a deeper spiritual community.

When do Community Teams meet?

Teams meet 2 or 3 times a month on different days of the week. Teams typically break for the summer months.

Where to Community Teams meet?

Teams are organized primarily by geography, with groups meeting in various locations throughout the Lake County region.

What do Community Teams Discuss?

The discussion will build on the Sunday sermons by studying the same book of the Bible.

How can I join a Community Team?

Join a team by contacting the leader of the team listed above.