Prayer for Kairos Prison Ministry

If you would like to pray for this ministry weekend, click here tpick a time to specifically pray for the work that will happen at Trumbull from September 19th – 27th. We are thankful for the steadfast service of one of our regular attenders Dale Maynard. Dale has been involved with a prison ministry called Kairos for a number of years. Kairos Prison ministry is an international, non-denominational, Gospel-driven work that seeks to establish Christian community inside prisons through the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

 The Kairos ministry at Trumbull prison will take part September 19th – 27th. There will be volunteers and residents spending time in talks, chapel messages, prayer and service among other things.

We are grateful to God for the witness Dale and others will have and if you would like to join him on the “outside” in prayer he and his team would be incredibly encouraged.

There are number of things you can be praying for :

The Residents on the Weekend. That they have good health and are open to the Holy Spirit.

The Team. That they have good health and any obstacles to serving on this weekend are removed.

The Institution and Staff. That they can see that the Holy Spirit is present during this weekend and Kairos is welcome there.

If you would like to sign up ahead of time to pray for this ministry weekend, click here to connect to the Kairos Prson Ministries website tpick a time to specifically pray for the work that will happen at Trumbull from Thursday, May 2nd – Sunday, May 5th.

If you have questions you can connect with Dale by email here.

When Christ taught about unassuming ways of God-glorifying service, he mentioned the prisoner when he said, “when I was in prison you visited me.”

Thanks for considering partnering in prayer for Dale’s weekend opportunity, and for Kairos Prison Ministry.